Eva Shaw, has a BS in Recreation Administration (Cal Poly University) and is the Founder of Ignite Yoga, ranked one of Arizona’s top 20 studios. She performed in the 1994 Olympics while also competing and teaching dance for over 15 years. The similarities of dance and vinyasa hooked her into the Yoga world. She couples artistic movement with a variety of therapies to inspire each student.
Dedicated to her community, she has pioneered and developed yoga programs for Yoga teachers, students of any level, active adults, the elite practitioner, professional athletes, military, corporate America, elementary school districts, physical therapy programs, health and wellness programs, communities, and more.
She has completed over a thousand hours in Yoga training with specialties in Vinyasa, for athletes, physical therapy, mindfulness, and Astanga with Sharath Jois and other authorized teachers. She has taught in numerous Yoga teacher trainings including internationally in Costa Rica and the creation of Ignite Yoga Teacher Trainings.
Eva’s open heart and authentic approach to all she does has fueled her stellar reputation as a renowned yoga teacher, successful small business owner, and trusted community partner.